Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What I see...

I look around and what do I see?
Craziness everywhere, do they wish they were free?
Whats going on, how can this be?
Is there something wrong or is this destiny?

Whats wrong with this picture?
I think you should tell me...
I’m not trying to judge you,
This is just reality

Its not whats right, its not whats wrong,
I’ll tell you what I can see, its simple, its reality.

This is what it is,
nothing in between,
Its your life, you decide,
Its it a nightmare or a dream?

This is just life, a harsh reality,
No place to judge, just watch destiny...

I’m still reeling from the shock,
Can’t believe what I’ve seen,
Its been a few years now,
I still can’t shake these scenes

It plays in my head,
I cant understand
I choose not to judge,
But can someone explain?

A house full of children, their dad is gone,
Mummas selling crack now, thats what pays in this home,

Out to get fried, some friends come inside,
Because this is their friend, on who, they depend,

A source of supply, a place to get high...
Noone thinks it is wrong, no one asks why?

Into a room, the kids are watching tv,
Mum closes the door, she doesn’t want them to see,
They search for a pipe, none can be found,
Time to buy a light bulb from the local countdown

Another friend calls in, her kids in tow,
Shes after some crack too, what do ya know?
The light bulb arrives, and out come the fries,
The lighter flicks on, now I am surprised,

Here is a kids mother, having a puff,
The bulbs at kids eye level, damn, I seen enough

Yet its not my place to judge

How about the daddy, becoming a p addict,
He has to start dealing so he can feed his habit,

Once he had a job, a life, a house, a car,
Now it is clear, he won’t get very far,

It seems everything he had, he is going to lose,
It all seems so sad all because he had to abuse

Every day he’s searching, while she is at home hurting,
Hes trying to find another 100 so he can get high,
This is the truth, the reality, its not a lie,
they borrow, they steal, they lie and they deal
This is why kids go hungry, yeah it is real.

There are days where theres no food and all that mumma can say,
is that “daddy smokes crack, we can’t do the shopping today.”

Every night sitting at home wondering where he is, all alone,
She knows what hes up to, searching or dealing, thats why hes not home
So hes lying and dealing, shit, he just got caught stealing,
And I wonder why this life seems so appealing?

With that comes the curfew, thats such a pain,
And now she finds out shes pregnant again,
How’d that happen? Failed contraception,
Its a miracle happening, gotta change direction,
The lives are all changing, whats your perception?

Trying to hold it together, hanging onto a small hope,
Maybe things will change, it better, she don’t think she can cope,
With two lil kids, just her all alone,
Its scary to think about doing it all on her own

But he keeps getting worse, life becomes cursed,
Now she comes last, she used to come first,

This man has changed, he ain’t the same,
The old one was good, this one causes so much pain

Hes out every night, gets home around three,
He won’t come to bed, hes playing PS3

The day is getting closer, its nearly here,
She starts to wonder if he will even be there,

She knows that hes on it, they fight day and night
And here is a baby girl, delivered by daylight,

Now he is home, to witness the birth of his second,
Theres no happiness in his eyes, they are black, know what happened?

Time goes on, she finds light bulbs, then her son finds a crack pipe,
She realises it time, she is better than this, these kids deserve a better life,

Yet its not my place to judge...

What about another, a dad, a kid and the mother,
The fathers a crack head, the mothers abused
She loves the daddy, its why she cant choose,
She can’t see the reality, she cant set them free,
Her mates say love conquers all, its destiny,
So the violence continues on, she is abused,
The daughter grows up, wonder if shes confused,

Yet its not my place to judge...

And this shit continues on, no one will say “stop, this is wrong”
Its just reality, some people have chosen this destiny,
Some people can’t help it, they don’t know any different,
And its not my place to judge, just observe every minute,

I know my truth, what my kids deserve...
And I guess all I wonder, while all this goes on,
Is, when is it right and when is it wrong?
They all tend to say that they are so real,
And the question for me is how does this make you feel?
Your heart tells the truth, it never lies,
So if you think theres something wrong, then its time to ask why?
Do something about it, before its too late,
Fix what is yours, your life you create...
And if theres nothing wrong, then none of this matters,
It’ll just be a story, evidence of lives left shattered.

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