Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Journey - Day 2

Yesterday I finished up in Auckland. A total of 325kms travelled for the day. Spent the evening with Luke and Hope. It was so nice, it was laid back and cruisy. Just mellowed me out so so much. So enjoyed it. My funny moment of the day was driving along the motorway and seeing a cow that had mounted another cow and he was way up out of the truck... So hope the driver knew, the poor cow would’ve been taken out by a bridge otherwise!!

I stayed the night at mum and mikes house. Didn’t sleep so well and slept in till 10am. Me and Louise had pancakes for breakfast. Then visited Lauren for a catch up. That was so nice. Happy for her freedom.

In the afternoon I drove to Whangarei. Lou drove up too. We had dinner and a catch up and I really wanted to write in solitude. Not really getting any peace though. Really looking forward to tomorrow when I drive up to Cape Reinga. That will be an awesome experience.

Had a phone call from Rimaha today. He is in vegas. Since I am travelling, I will miss him... But I told him I am going to stay when I am in Auz in September.
All in all, had a pretty good day. Just really ready to get away from people. I am sick of being told the same stuff over and over. Just really want to get away from it. Don’t really want to talk about it. I just want to unwind and relax. And just explore my inner workings some more. Oh for peace. Tomorrow will be a journey. A peaceful one. When I get to the top I will be able to just chill out and meditate a bit. Maybe write a bit. With just me and myself. Totally looking forward to that inner self time....

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