Friday, June 11, 2010

Some of my creative stuff...

This is a start... The first time I have ever even considered putting this sort of thing out there. I haven't been writing like this for long, but it's something I want to keep working at because I seem to be developing a liking for it... I don't know if its good or not... Its from the heart, its my journey, its my writing. It is taking so much courage just to put this out there at all... but I have to start somewhere... so this is just a little of what I have been doing lately. I guess I will keep writing and it will keep getting better. I feel like I have a bit of talent, as most of what I write just comes to me from nowhere in particular, usually when I'm trying to sleep... so each lil bit only takes me a minute or so to write... Don't know where I'm going with this... but I guess someday I'll find out :)

Is your life just a joke from all the crack that you smoke?

Maybe you’ve lost hope and don’t know how to cope?

Have you lost the dream, do you know what I mean?

Are you surrounded by dead beats, addicted to the streets?

Are you tortured with violence, struggling in silence?

Is your life living hell, do you wish he was in a cell?

Is it two kids under to, or three under four, is that why you’re not sure?

I turned my struggle into a victory
Now you’re gone all that’s left is the history
the memories left are all heartbreak,
thats what happens when you’re just a fake,
Just another dream turned into a nightmare,
Just another family, broke, beyond repair

All you care about is the crack you smoke,
Even though you say you don’t

When I couldn’t get out of bed
all you could say was “bitch you’re fucked in the head”

Left as a single mum, trying to raise two lil kids on my own,
Shoulda been treated like a Queen on a throne...

When I gave you my life
you told me you would make me your wife.

Gave the kids your last name,
cuz i was supposed to have the same

I loved you so much, but it wasn’t enough,
wasn’t you anymore, life got too tough

The old you was gone,
lost to the game
so now i’m all alone,
living in pain

Gotta be by myself, heal myself, bring myself back from the dead...
All because you wouldn’t stop fucking with my head

Do those demons still wake you up at night?
Waking you, shaking you, until you fright?

Are those hands still going around your throat?
Or is that from all the crack that you smoke?

Do you still twitch when you’re in bed?
Are you gonna say its all in my head?

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