Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Feeling passionate...

Wow, its been a while since I've had these feelings. I'm getting angry, fired up... The world seems so ignorant these days.

Two posts on facebook today got me...

1. Pieter T asked "what's your guys feeling on the whole 'file-sharing now illegal' debate?" and I was roped in... Amongst the answers were the truth. It's a waste of money. There are far more important things to put money into. How bout poverty, fixing social issues such as drug and alcohol abuse, child abuse, domestic violence etc. Ok, a whole generation or two file share. We download stuff illegally. But we aren't taking anything from anyone. It's not stealing. I'm a mum on the DPB. You want me to listen to silence cuz I can't afford to choose a CD over feeding my kids? Any GREAT artist will say they want their music to inspire, or change something in the world. That requires that people listen. And if that means the people at the bottom of the food chain have to illegally down load, then so be it. Maybe its a bit different if you're a CEO earning $500,000 a year and you are downloading. Damn, all I'd say to you is stop being a greedy cunt and pay, someone has to feed the musicians making the music. I solidly support the music coming out of NZ. I pay for it. Unless it is David Dallas. He gives his music to us for free. Cuz he's chasing the BIG TIME... and full credit to him, cuz he will be one that actually makes it. But the big multi millionaires in the US, the ones that aren't exactly hanging on to every penny, what do they care if lil Melissa downloads an album or two? Or a hundred? I'm listening to it, not selling it to make money off someone elses work. I'm allowed to listen to radio. That's free... So fuck this law. I have authority issues. I don't like being told what to do. By anyone. I choose my life, my way, my path. I'm a writer. I don't earn shit. I won't until I crack myself a best seller. And until then, I want to follow the paths of the creative greats... be poor and happy, and once the riches fall in, I'll try and make the world a better place....

2... Stuff posted a question "New Plymouth Girls' High School has relaxed its uniform rules and now allows students to have lip and nose piercings. What's your reaction to this?"
Jeez, I think that's awesome. Why make a big fuss over piercings? It doesn't hurt anyone. And there are all these old fashioned people saying crazy stuff, schools should bring back corporal punishment, and that kids have no respect cuz parents can't hit their children etc. As a mother, I'm against hitting kids. It was a fabulous law. Any parent that disputes this is a fucking terrible parent in my opinion. I'm a SOLO mother, and my kids are well behaved (most of the time) and yeah, occasionally you hear a swear word here and there, they hit each other, fight... but that's NORMAL... So what if a teenager has a piercing? Really, in this day in age, who actually cares?

The reality is the world is moving on baby boomers. Get used to it. We are coming up, things are changing. Now to motivate the young people to make the revolution happen. Young people today care about the important things, poverty, social responsibility, saving the environment. We are the ones that have been given the task of fixing all the previous generations damage. So its time to rise up, take the reins, fight for what is important, and leave these petty battles behind.

Ahhh, now I feel much better. I've unloaded my packed frustrations. For today. I wonder how the rest of the day will go...


1 comment:

  1. Personally I don't download or burn media but that is because if I like and album/dvd or in my case band enough I will pay to have the hardware filling up otherwise boring space in my house but I definately think David Dallas is the man and I see what you are saying about affordability. If you want cheap and nasty there is always the radio haha! Get a tape and record your favourite stuff old school!!!
